The Planet Talks
The Planet Talks is a three-day ecological and conversational forum held at the Frome Park Pavilion, featuring some of the world’s foremost thinkers, activists, scientists and leaders in engaging and thought-provoking discussions about issues and solutions that affect our lives on the blue planet.
Saturday 8 March
Presented with The Environmental Defenders Office
Speakers: Belinda Noble, Simon Holmes à Court, Ebony Bennett
Facilitator: David Morris
Greenwashing is on the rise, undermining our efforts to tackle big issues like climate change and biodiversity loss. How do we know that the positive stories we are told by companies and governments are genuine and not just a smokescreen for inaction, or worse? This session will explore what greenwashing is, how to spot it and how to fight it.
Supported by the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.
Speakers: Rachel Perkins, Tim Winton
Facilitator: Natasha Mitchell
What is the role of stories and storytellers in tackling the big issues? Two of Australia’s best storytellers will explore how stories can be told in new ways to help Australia reckon with its past actions and attitudes towards the environment and First Nations people. How can storytellers help us imagine possible futures that will help orientate us going forward?
Supported by the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.
Sunday 9 March
Presented with the Environment Institute
Speakers: Andry Sculthorpe, Cissy Gore-Birch, Katherine Moseby
Facilitator: Andrew Lowe
The earth is experiencing its sixth mass extinction event, with approximately one million species of plants and animals at risk of extinction globally. How can we stop this, and find a path towards a wilder world where nature returns? This session will explore rewilding, and what it could mean in Australia. Learn about exciting efforts across the country to bring species back from the brink, and bring life back to Australian landscapes.
Speakers: Bhiamie Williamson, Elizabeth Mossop, Emma Bacon
Facilitator: Julia Lester
Extreme floods, storms, heatwaves and bushfires are on the rise in extent, intensity and frequency. How can Australian communities be better equipped to deal with a future of extremes as climate change gains momentum? Can our cities and towns be radically redesigned and retrofitted to cope? What is at stake and how far are we prepared to go?
Monday 10 March
Presented with The Guardian
Speakers: Dr. Kumi Naidoo, Professor Naomi Oreskes
Facilitator: Sarah Martin
Despite governments around the world making commitments to climate action and investments in renewable energy, investments in fossil fuels are still at a record high. How can we chart a future that breaks from fossil fuels, and with the urgency that is needed? This session will explore the ways in which the fossil fuel industry is distracting and delaying, and look at the global efforts to cut our ties with fossil fuels for good.
Supported by the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.
Speakers: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Peter Martin, Warwick Smith
Facilitator: Tory Shepherd
Has globalisation made us healthier and happier? Has the global era of capitalism finally reached its end point and, if so, what comes next? This session will explore localisation movements around the world and how economic systems can be reshaped to be better for people and planet. This session will feature a keynote speech from award-winning linguist, author and film maker Helena Norberg-Hodge, a global pioneer in the localisation movement.
Andry Sculthorpe
Belinda Noble
Bhiamie Williamson
Cissy Gore-Birch
Dr. Kumi Naidoo
Ebony Bennett
Elizabeth Mossop
Emma Bacon
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Katherine Moseby
Professor Naomi Oreskes
Peter Martin
Rachel Perkins
Simon Holmes à Court
Tim Winton
Warwick Smith
Andrew Lowe
David Morris
Julia Lester
Natasha Mitchell
Sarah Martin
Tory Shepherd
Listen to some of the world’s greatest minds live from previous Planet Talks sessions. Fascinating, in-depth conversations about our environment and sustainable relationship with the planet.